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By Mystikilla
#75747 Originally, my server switched from MCPC+ as our Forge to bukkit bridge to Bukkitforge as we were able to stop a number of really annoying glitches (PC Pokemon Disappearances, Auto-Faint during combat, Bosses not dropping anything). However, Bukkitforge is falling months behind and is still on a 1.5.2 recommended build. I am wondering if any of these problems have been fixed in the 1.6 release of Pixelmon and/or possibly a newer build of MCPC+.

My playerbase really wants to see us update to the newest Pixelmon version, but would not like to contend with these bugs from the early days of hosting.

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By Burgy
#75795 If you play it right, no Pokemon disappearances. And if you restart the server every say.... 8 or 12 hours you won't have a problem with the auto-faint.

However the boss drops are not fixable, though I have heard CraftBattleDuty has fixed it some how.
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By Jephon
#76060 I'm still having heaps of problems with MCPC+ but I see no activity within the Bukketforge project. Does anyone know if they are still active or has the project been fully transitioned to MCPC?