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By Orangatuan
#81728 If I was doing it for ease of keeping track I would do it by pokedex number with possibly a few deviations where unevolved/evolved forms where added in later gens.

So look at the list of the current pixelmon and guess.

Actually looking at the list I do believe that they will add a basic bunch from X/Y (Released 3 days ago) as it's the only empty section on that list.

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#81743 dont trust that site, its not offical and fills with false info that i dont feel like wasting my time correcting
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By KuryoZT
Orangatuan wrote:Actually looking at the list I do believe that they will add a basic bunch from X/Y (Released 3 days ago) as it's the only empty section on that list.

If you're talking about Pixelmon, no. No gen 6 pokemon will be added to the mod until thenext generation comes out, if it ever does. Since nothing has been announced yet (what a shock, since the newer gen is like a week old).
It's been said a bunch of times already.
But if it's not about Pixelmon you're talking about, then *slides hand* you have not seen this message!