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By Veleno
#80339 hello I'm doing a series of custom maps for my foturo event and I would like to ask the staff if they are going to put Pixelmon of G2 in a second world accessible portals or if they want to put them all in one world.
Also I would also like to ask you if there will finally be the long-awaited economic system of the mod so that you can minimize the server plug-in and the mods used

thanks in advance for the information

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By Jephon
#80629 They are all on the same world. They probably wont look at doing anything as far as separating the generations for a long time if ever. I think it would be cool to have an option before you pick a starter of which generation you would like to play in. But that opens up issues I'm sure. It would require LOTS of coding and planning. Very likely not going to happen.