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By Orangatuan
#81719 Firstly Hello and Thanks for all the hard work that has been put into this mod.

At the moment I'm only using it for SP games, Now for the questions and suggestions.

1) I have tried opening the db with OpenOffice, not to edit just to have a look around and it keeps crashing or opening as a .doc, does anyone have any ideas on how I can make this work?

2) Is there any plans to implement a day/night or week system for spawns? Example:
Forest, Monday:Day:Weedle,Venonat Night:Yanma, Tuesday:Day:Caterpie... etc. etc.

3) Is there any plans for including a simple text file to modify spawns for SP games? Something like the previous example except instead of pokemon names you would add a number after, ex. Weedle50*1 where 50 is the normal spawn rate and 1 is the shiny spawn rate. Maybe even 50*1*0.01 where the last number is boss spawns.

4) Is there any plans to add a toggle option to enable White-ing or Blacking out? It would TP you to last pokéhealer or bed you used or respawn point, leaving your inventory as it is.

5) Shouldn't using shears on Flaffy give wool? It doesn't atm.

6) Any plans for aggressive/angry pokémon (attack players)? Pokémon with red names would attack by walking into you (like a zombie) for physical attacks or use coloured Ghast fireballs for ranged/elemental attacks at least until you get around to adding unique graphics for the attacks that deserve it.

7) Also The HP bar for very large (i.e. Snorlax) pokémon needs raising as wild Snorlax covers his health bar.

8) Have you added an easier way to get Glowstone (needed for PC) or do I have to still go to nether to get it?

9) Is there any use for Black/Yellow/White Cooked Apricorns? They don't seem to make pokéball tops.

Forum Question
Is there a way to hide graphics/gifs or auto-spoil tag them?

Once again thanks for giving me something to entertain my nephew for hours and hours with.

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By MegaGamerMan360
#81763 1) Sorry can't answer this as I'm not nearly experienced enough.
2) I am 50% sure there is one already! Lapras I find only spawns at night (I'm not sure what others)
3) You can customize spawns already but not to the extent you are think of, go into the config folder to do this.
4) There hands are pretty full right now but it might come at some point you never know!
5) Might be a bug, if it is the beta testers should get it.
6) I'm not sure what you mean by this. But if your meaning to say, will they battle you without you attacking them? Its already there.
7) It has been in many updates so i'm going to say its a very hard problem to fix.
8) Pikachu drop glowstone dust! (Sometimes I loot the good PCs too)
9) They work for me you just have to find the right order to put them in. (For white try 2 white and a red)
Forum question: If you go into the full editor there is probably a way.
Sorry if I wasn't enough help on some of these. But hope you get some more replies!
By Nadaur
#81870 2) Pokemons like Lunatone (night) and Solrock (day) they spawn for day and night but kinda glitchy atm.
5) Probably a bug
6) Already Implemented In-Game
8) Get some in PokeCenters or Pikachu
9) Its working.
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By KuryoZT
#82128 Most have been answered already, but I can still give some more things for ya:
1) Isn't the database a Excel-like document? I've never messed with it though, so I don't know, but some have played with it, so it's surely possible one way or another. Sorry
2)I don't think it's in yet, might be some kind of good/bad luck ya got ther MGM360.
4)An easy to do this? Place your bed close to it, then make the keepInventory rule as true, that way ya can die (in-game, don't try this at your home, I'm not responsible for that) and ya'll just respawn in your bed, and the healer close to it, all the while keeping the items ya had in your bag. Not bad he?
5)I don't remember flaaffy looting wools, because unlike mareep, it doesn't have much on it already, poor thing, ya wanna strip them completely? JK :), but yeah, I don't think it's a bug, just that they don't drop wool.
6)Aggressive pokemon are already in-game, as said by the ones above, but it's been decided, last time I heard at least, that no interaction pokemon-character is supposed to exist. They did take out the simple "hit'N'catch" method. (hit 'em all, with ya mighty bow)
9)That's normal. You're not using the right recipe. All apricorns have a use, but it's against the rules (I say so, I don't think it's writen anywhere though) to post the recipes. The only one given out to the public, as a way to show how it works is the pokeball, 3 reds.
But here's a hint, to take again the motto of Pokemon, Try 'em all!!
All the combinations are worth trying.
(I'm nice, so here: There's a total of 19 recipes. and they look a lot like the ball they're supposed to make. Pokeball is all red, so it's 3 red, but they're not all that simple, sometimes they need more than what meets the eye, as some say)

Have fun finding them all.
I hope this post will not get me into trouble though.
By XxFyreBlockxX
#82130 Can Someone help me when I try to download The forge client it says These libraries failed to download. Try again. org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.2, org.scala-lang-lang:scala-complier2.10.2
By XxFyreBlockxX
#82133 Can Someone help me when I try to download The forge client it says These libraries failed to download. Try again. org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.10.2, org.scala-lang-lang:scala-complier2.10.2