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By xxNorthKingxx
#14912 does anybody kno any kind of trick or technique to find fossils because ive bee looking for the past couple days and i just cant seem find any.

By I_master_mind_I
xxNorthKingxx wrote:does anybody kno any kind of trick or technique to find fossils because ive bee looking for the past couple days and i just cant seem find any.

Same technique for bauxite ore only fossils are more rare.
1. First move far from where you spawned as new chunks have to be loaded
2. Go between 60-40 I believe
3. Branch mine or explore cave system is said coordinate
4. Hope you get lucky
5. ????????????????????
6. Profit
By I_master_mind_I
#21748 Wait I left out the part where it has to be an ocean biome sorry good luck there extremly rare
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By MrMasochism
#21772 Not true. Fossils were changed in a recent patch. Now spawn in gravel patches between 20-50
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By Jack_Attack12
#21800 My way to get fossils:
1. Branch mine till i find a patch in lvls 20-50
2. Mine out all the gravel
3. if you did not find a fossil start agian

Ps. they could be pushed right up beside the wall of the gravel, so make sure you mine ALL of it.
By sargeantsimon
#25078 If you want to do some tests to find out how best to get these things, I recommend using a World Edit mod or some such to remove large portions of the ground at once. (You should also probably do this on a separate world so as not to tamper with the current one.) Just start removing blocks from the bottom of the ocean a layer at a time until you start to notice the spawning patterns. Once you know that, you can develop a mining strategy.

That being said, it seems that the spawning patterns have been described in detail above. Go reread those.
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By whiskey234
#34618 what is the spawn rate for the fossils in the ocean
By karrybird
whiskey234 wrote:what is the spawn rate for the fossils in the ocean

same as every other biome