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By cyanide64
#82273 2017750079392971607

spawns you fairly close to a center, and a few different biomes to boot.

edit- a village and another pokecenter very near spawn as well.
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By dungeonlord
#82386 757486486345184654 you get village buildings on either side of you and a pokecenter in some water on the 3rd and get this a 2nd pokecenter on the 4th direction a bout 100-150 blocks away. you start in the plains with forests on 3 sides with river on the 4th. lots of open ground perfect for building structures on

edit: found a 3rd pokecenter :shock: next to some jungle behind one of the villages about -300 blocks from spawn

7466450023655985074 starts you in the forest next to a ravine and pokecenter. near you is a river, small plains, and small swamp but other than that its a huge forest with another pokecenter roughly 350-400 away. once you get outside the forest there is a small plains, medium ice plains, large tiaga, and medium desert as well as more swamp and forest.

7747959624744393 you start in a jungle next to 2 biomes. 1 is the plains which is on the smaller side of medium but contains 2 pokecenters (+200 on the z) and a village which contains 1 castle 8 houses and 4 farms. the other is a tiaga biome which is huge. your also near a desert which is on one side of the plains and the huge tiaga being on the other.