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By dungeonlord
#82342 ok so i am building a base around level 16/17 and the amount of zubat and golbat sounds is insane. spending more than 3 min mining just makes you insane from the amount of golbat and zubat sounds. how do i stop them from spawning? do they still spawn on half blocks?

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By Tom_X
#82469 You can stop or change the spawn rate of underground Pokemon in the config files. as to them spawning on half blocks or not, I've never tested that so I don't really know
By AlpineMCPM
#82486 Do they spawn in your structures? Or is it just around it?
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By dungeonlord
AlpineMCPM wrote:Do they spawn in your structures? Or is it just around it?

both, they constantly tear up my pumpkin/melon patches to the point i've covered the vines with fences to stop them from destroying them, underground wheat farms cant be covered with fences so you can loose about 4-8 crops per half hour (more if two spawn and start fighting) requiring retilling of your dirt. they are just as annoying as in the gb games if not more