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By EmperorEhryn
#82877 Discovered this the other day and pretty sure a brick was dropped if you know what I mean. This is epic. epic epic epic. I'd sell my kidney and donate it all to the developers if I could but sadly I don't even know where to sell a kidney. I'm pretty new to Minecraft also. I just got a few questions.

1) Say there's Pixelmon server (A) which you play regularly and got a powerful team on. If you visit Pixelmon server (B) will you still have that team with you?

2) Do you have to have a paid for premium account to play Online? (I only have a cracked version which I used to play offline minecraft with. But now that I found this I kiiinda want the online experience deal as well even if I gotta pay full shibang for Minecraft itself.)

3) If server ^ is unavailable what is Open to LAN? Does that mean only people connected directly to the same internet as me can play with me?

4) Checking the ID log there's badges. Anyone know the word on that bird? Or can we kinda make our own gym deal. That would fun.

5) Playing default biome I find all sorts of different biomes kinda right next to each other, but playing large biome I landed a jungle and couldn't find jack squat for other biomes. Is Large biome only 1 biome? or are they really just that ridiculously huge it takes forever to stumble upon another?

6) Who else is freaking excited about freaking everything.

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By Nova Spartan
#82880 1: No.

2: No, but you can only play on cracked servers with a cracked version I think.


4:In a way, I mean it would need to be an actual player as the gym leader because they haven't added a way of making an AI Gym Leader yet.

5: Are you talking about when you generate a world with the option "Large Biomes" or whatever? Yeah, they're just outrageously huge. I spawned in an Ocean Biome the other day...

6: Are you talking about the next update? Yeah i'm excited for it, mainly because i'm hoping to see if a model I got approved made it into the game.
By EmperorEhryn
#82883 Damn now I want my nerdy room mates back. How much would it cost to get the fancy premium account thing? That'd be dope if these guys made their own client launcher thing where you need an account here to go there and cross server poke teams and stuff. Iunno if it's possible but that'd make me happy all over the face.