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By Bill Nye TSG
#83616 So I am hearing a lot about 1.7 minecraft being released on the 25th of October... which means we will need to wait for 1.7 forge... xD Will this post-pone the new pixelmon update at all?
Sorry first post. Long time lurker. o.O

By Bill Nye TSG
#83619 1.7 is the new biome update, but i know that we need forge to play pixelmon. xD so we'd have to wait for 1.7 forge just to play regular pixelmon on a 1.7 world if it even worked. Im not sure if the new biomes would affect the current code.
By EmperorEhryn
#83621 New biome. Sounds legit. Probably would though if everything's coded to spawn in certain biomes a new biome would be pokeless. Interesting :o
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By IceMan8030
#83624 Bill Nye TSG,

The next Pixelmon update is for 1.6.4 and not for 1.7 so no the 1.7 Minecraft release is not going to delay us.
By Bill Nye TSG
#83631 Thanks! XD I was soooo worried that you guys would release it, and have to start immediately back up to fix it. xD I'm so excited for the release! its crazy!
By EmperorEhryn
#83714 I'm excited for all the new pokemon that will be released with the update. I have no idea how many but more pokemon make the legendaries more rare. Which is good cause they seem a little to frequent for my taste.

Also I hear they're doing something to make shiny more noticable? since some of them are like. So close alike. Like a diglett's nose or Flaaffy's tail bulb
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By Zilcor
#83718 Nah, they already said it will be released on 1.6.4