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By EmperorEhryn
#83797 I play single player instead of on servers, basically because I don't actually have a minecraft account. Single play has its benefits like I can actually pause it and stuff but. Kinda lonesome out there lol.

I was curious who else does Single player and would like to set up a Raidcall with me for people to play and talk to each other about the game, maybe ask questions about types and set ups and stuff like that. Open to anyone really. I been spending a lot of time familiarizing myself with the harder to spot shiny pokemon and the technical stuff to get certain things to spawn. It'd just be fun I think :P

Edited Section: Well I did make a Raidcall. It's probably the most used of voice chat programs but it's really easy. If you wanna hit it up, chat, ask questions, I might know the answers. Or just to talk to someone while playing.

room name, "EE Pixelmon"
Room ID #, 7334010