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By EmperorEhryn
#84545 First my Elekid didn't evolve at level 30 (as stated in bulbapedia he does) and i figured maybe just needs thunder stone so I ignored it

Then Rhyhorn didn't evolve at 42 into Rhydon.. Which I know he doesn't need a stone..

Is it a posible bug?

By igzoz
#84608 Yes it is, there are currently 6 pokemons that aren't evolving by leveling. (including rhyhorn and elekid)
By neefey
igzoz wrote:Yes it is, there are currently 6 pokemons that aren't evolving by leveling. (including rhyhorn and elekid)

If one of those is slowpoke, that'd explain my currently level 46 slowpoke..
By cyanide64
#84861 It seems that the bug is still persisting. I posted a little about it this morning ""
By Taro1
#85125 2.5.2 fixed this. Now I can finally get my Magnemite evolved .-.