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By Faroth
#85351 Hello people

I was wondering if you can catch Mewtwo in the wild now on pixelmon 2.5.2 and was it already possible on 2.5.1
And is it the same for a multiplayer server?

Thanks for the answer and time :)

- Faroth

User avatar
#85355 nope, we planned to add a way to get him legit but it got pushed back for reasons I dont want to spoil
By Faroth
#85357 So the person who is claiming to have lost his mewtwo due to lag is basicly lying on the server I help running?

Hmm... *pulls out banhammer*

Thnx for the info and quick reply :) gonna have some fun with the person in the matter.

- Faroth
User avatar
#85377 well, some servers have changed the database, if its pokeballers or pixelmon gaming I wouldnt do anything mainly because they are one of the few that know how to change it, if its some other server, go ahead lol