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By perkhaze
#7214 I was just curious why there is other pokemon not gen 1 in the game when there is this strict gen 1 rule in place. Were they already in game before this rule or am i just missing an obvious reason?

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By Rados
#7217 Some were ingame before the rule, some were added for necessity, like mareep for wool and miltank for milk and beef
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By Leqesai
#7574 Would someone mind listing all of the non-gen 1 pokemon that are in the mod? I'm having a heck of a time finding lists of what pokemon are actually in the game currently.
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By Jack_Attack12
#7639 Miltank. Mareep. Trapnich line. Swineub line(no mamoswine) umbreon. Espeon. Solrock. Lunatone. Numel line. Probs more that i forgot
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By Leqesai
Jack_Attack12 wrote:Miltank. Mareep. Trapnich line. Swineub line(no mamoswine) umbreon. Espeon. Solrock. Lunatone. Numel line. Probs more that i forgot

Thank you very much, sir.