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By SlounsBerry
#86962 Hi guys,

Quick question I may already know the answer too, but I'm hoping I'm wrong!

Can you spawn trainers at specific levels like you now can with pokemon?

I know it's now possible to spawn in specific level pokemon with the /pokespawn command. e.g. /pokespawn pikachu lvl10
I also know it's possible to use the /pokespawn command to spawn trainers, and I've figured out 7 of them that work, still not sure what the name of that new scientist looking dude is, or the weird black and purple ones?

Anyways, it doesn't seem like simply typing /pokespawn bugcatcher lvl10 works to make trainers of a certain level, I'm just wondering if anyone has figured out a way this does work, or if it's something that is currently not in game. I was thinking it would be a cool way with the use of command blocks to make NPC trainers or gym leaders or that kind of thing appear on custom maps.

If anyone knows how (or if) this works, and what the names of the two new trainers are (I think there's just two?) that would be great!

And now that I think of it, a more complicated question, is it possible to edit the default spawn levels of the existing trainers? So could I edit a mod file and then force trainers to spawn in a certain level range. That would sort of accomplish my goal...sort of...

By SlounsBerry
#87366 Okay, any chance I can at least get a developer to confirm/deny that the ability to /pokespawn trainers at a specific levels exists in the current release of the mod? If not that's fine I'd just like to know so I can come up with some other ways to accomplish my goal!

By SlounsBerry
MoeBoy76 wrote:i believe that when you force spawn a trainer NPC it is just like having it spawn naturally, it's probably cos of limitations in the database

Yea I think you're right, I was just hoping it would work the same as force spawning a pixelmon at a certain level. But now that you mention the database I bet you're right. Spawning a level 80 trainer and making the game figure out which pokemon to give it at which level and with what moves is probably a lot more demanding than just spawning one pokemon of a certain level.

I've got another idea to accomplish my goal so ill try that. Thanks for the help!