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By FunkyBunBun
#87274 Unfortunately, some or many moves in Pixelmon do not function correctly. I wanted to see if I could get this problem noticed as it was not fixed in the previous update. This is not the only move that does not work correctly, but I am using it as an example:

I sent out my level 40 Cloyster to battle a wild level 12 Miltank. I used the move "Icicle Spear" and in the box it said it hit 4 times, which should've been enough to faint it (especially with STAB if it is implimented in the mod) I'm not sure if anyone has noticed this, but please post down below if you do and if you know other moves that don't work correctly.

By mapijs
#87314 i am pretty sure they know about the broken moves, but i can understand that fixing all those moves can be quite time-consuming. And most people just want more pokemons added and pokemon textures redone and other buggs fixed. they don't have the equipment, experience and personal as mojang has...
my guess is that they are working on it from time to time. A lot of the 2 turn moves are also broken (just saying)
By FunkyBunBun
#87511 Yeah, you're right, I just posted this because I didn't see anyone say anything about this. Thanks for the help though.