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By vikcreed
#89060 let me preface this with a few things. this is a suggestion...KIND OF*. it's more of a coding tweak then anything, and purely ecstatic. there for i do realize that that it's not priority, and that someone will yell SUGGESTION! at me. second, i am not familur with how pixelmon mobs are coded and don't care to learn ATM, BUT i am familiar with minecraft mobs are coded and react. so i do know someone will shout DOESN'T WARK THAT WAY! with out testing it. with that out of the way let me get on with my """""suggestion"""""* TM copy right no takes backsies. lol JK.

in noticed digglets jumping and PING! if you invert the digglets jump trajectory you should be able to have him jump down(under ground) and pop back up. you might need todo some funny stuff with his body alignment and placement so he'll be upright but it should look like diglet it popping in and out of his hole than his head flying off. back during beta minecraft i was trying to make a squirrel mob and tried to write all the code my self but got the math wrong somewhere and that is what happened. instead of jump up blocks he'd poof underground and pop back up. i was going to keep it but when i got him to climb trees he'd just vanish underground again, so then spider got there code to climb wall and i tried to attach that code to my code and the game wouldn't boot and i'm no artist so the squirrels looked like derpy foxes so i let it all go. also shortly after my hard drive ate it and died.