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By ShinyKeldeo
#89321 I know that many "Trainers" are putting in personal requests for Pokémon, but I do not agree. The Pixelmon Developers, Modelers, and Databasers have a plan and they are sticking to it. I'm not quite sure how they are, but I have a good guess. They started with the basic starters and Pokémon that would drop required items. And slowly added the Pokémon through Kanto and are probably going to continue through the regions. They may add the missing starters, but they are not going to add in just any Pokémon because someone said too. I do have Pokémon I wish they would add, but they will add them in time, and I will wait patiently for them to add unsaid Pokémon. You should too.

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By Animalol
#89331 Thanks for this, even though one would think this is quite obvious. We don't take suggestions whatsoever, and don't like it when people keep asking us for certain Pokemon, etc.
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#89346 we already have a plan worked out through the updates (at least the modeling divsion does) so i wouldnt worry too much about it, trust me, you'll hopfully know exactly what the pattern is after you see 2 or so significate updates