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By DarkExcalibur01
#89716 Many people will disagree with me but i do not enjoy the new models.They look cool but i really liked it when they were more square and blocky form 2.3.It sets them apart from pokemon games and more like minecraft.Also i dont really like the spinning form the battles.I sort of liked 2.3 better.

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#89726 ya............................................ we will NEVER go back to making "blocky" minecraft models, they looked like garbage. also, last i checked, minecraft is a game where you can literally do what ever you want, so having amazing detail that makes you droll all over your keyboard is the thing we want, if you want eye burning trash, you can play that discontinued mod called pokemobs,
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By Isi
#89880 *Cough*

It's like tear gas, but filled with stupidity and the tears of children.
