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By YomamaBig
#89878 The box trick was a was to still get pokemon in the first and second edition to get EV points after reaching lvl100, you would just go out, rack up EV and instead of leveling up to make it count, you would put it into bill's box and then take it out and your EV would be there. My question is: does this work on this mod?

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By KuryoZT
#89918 I think I know what's he trying to talk about.
Normally EVs are distributed to stats when a pokemon level up. But what if it's already lvl100? Can't level up anymore, and so shouldn't get EV trained, since it really won't matter.
But apparently there's a way to bypass that. Putting and taking out a pokemon to and from the PC would actually "reset" the stats, and so the EVs would be counted in the new stats.
He's most likely asking if that "reset" is put into the mod.
I think.
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#89971 not going to lie, i've played pokemon since it came out in america, this is the first time i have ever heard of this
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#90082 not entirly, the chances are slim, but todays day and age the missingno is the bad egg, only difference is that if you get a bad egg you are sol
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By JayPeaSize
KuryoZT wrote:I think I know what's he trying to talk about.
Normally EVs are distributed to stats when a pokemon level up. But what if it's already lvl100? Can't level up anymore, and so shouldn't get EV trained,

Pretty sure in Gen 5 they still gain EV's at lvl 100.
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By KuryoZT
Rhonim wrote:Pretty sure in Gen 5 they still gain EV's at lvl 100.

They still get EVs, but since the stat aren't reseted, since they can't level up anymore, so it's useless.
But then, resetting the stats by putting them in the PC makes the difference, and you don't have to start from scratch.
I have to make a bit more research, hang tight.