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By Jephon
#90265 No, the database is locked from editing. There isnt really a way from what I understand. Be patient until 1.7.2 support is here. There will be many more biomes with pokemon spawning in most of them. (Exception of the End and Nether).
By ixitimmyixi
#94408 I've seen that , the extra biomes mod have caused bugs with the pixelmon mod. But you can definently edit the database to make them spawn in different biomes. Your best bet is just try it out, you will have to add the biome name that minecraft assigns to the new biomes. You should be able to find them out by going to the different biomes, in game, and pressing f3. There's probably an easier way but that's the first thing that came to mind. Then after you get the proper name, you will have to add the biome to the database and assign it, it's own id for the pixelmon mod to recognize. Then you should be able to go to the pixelmonspawn entry in the database and use the Biome ID you created for the new biome. If it does work, then this is the way to do it. IF it doesn't work then the mod's are just incompatible.