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By magilla96
#90840 i would really like to know how long im a biggg fan of pixelmon. i played pokemon ever since the first gameboy games came out. i appreciate everything you guys are doing! keep up the good work! happy thanksgiving! :D

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By Brawnk
#90842 As stated on the main page, they're having issues with their new ID system, and as such have delayed the release of the next update. I'd prefer them to take their time, and try and work out as many kinks as possible before releasing.
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By Jephon
Brawnk wrote:As stated on the main page, they're having issues with their new ID system, and as such have delayed the release of the next update. I'd prefer them to take their time, and try and work out as many kinks as possible before releasing.

I wish I could Thumbs up this.. Yes! Please take longer with the update! As a server owner, it drives us batty when an update breaks something. I want you guys to spend as long as you need to perfect this update. :)
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By Animalol
#90940 We never have a set date for when we will release the next version of the mod. Whenever it is finished and we have ironed out as many bugs as we can find, we will release it.
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By Lemonita
MrMasochism wrote:It's up. Just working on cleaning up the download page on the main website and i'll put it up there but for now it's up in the releases sub-forum

I already had a new crash with a new mcpc exception.
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By bio3210
#91280 One interesting glitch is with the pokemon I had. I had a level 12 Quilava, and I wanted to send it out. After that, I wanted to retrieve it, but when I pressed retrieve, I sent out another Quilava! I tried again, but in the end, there were 10 Quilavas in front of me. I quit to title and tried again, and one by one, I retrieved them. This is a pretty cool glitch. This is in 2.5.3, but I went back to 2.5.2 once I found out my favorite pixelmon server was still 2.5.2
By Lotus349
bio3210 wrote:One interesting glitch is with the pokemon I had. I had a level 12 Quilava, and I wanted to send it out. After that, I wanted to retrieve it, but when I pressed retrieve, I sent out another Quilava! I tried again, but in the end, there were 10 Quilavas in front of me. I quit to title and tried again, and one by one, I retrieved them. This is a pretty cool glitch. This is in 2.5.3, but I went back to 2.5.2 once I found out my favorite pixelmon server was still 2.5.2

Did you get to keep all 10 copies as 10 quilavas or did they just retrieve into a single pixelmon?