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By yuvrajkhosa
#91114 Hi, im very new to pixelmon and I wanted to know that when legendary pokemon will start spawning. Please let me know if they are going to be adding this or add database editing back in. Thankyou :D

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By bio3210
#91241 Actually, there are legendary Pixelmon that spawn. Articuno spawns in Icy Hills, Moltres spawns in Extreme Hills, and Zapdos spawns in Forest Hills. You probably have not seen them anywhere because they are really rare, because they are legendary. I haven't even seen one. Mew is also in Pixelmon and he spawns in the Jungle biome. Mewtwo doesn't spawn naturally, but you can get a database editing program like SQLite or H2 and edit the datanase and change his spawn rate. If you have the latest version of Pixelmon, then it includes Rayquaza. He also does not spawn naturally, and I don't know if you can change his spawn rate because he doesn't have a specific biome. I really want a lot more legendaries in this mod. In a future update, there are going to be shrines where you complete quests to get the Legendary Birds. Looking Forward to that.
By 19abaranet
#91576 Actually... In the wiki it says that the legendary birds don't spawn in any biome.
The only legendary that currently spawns is mew in the jungle.
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#91636 As an offical statement, by default no legendary spawn excluding mew. Only SOME servers have legendaries spawn because they have the knowledge and recources to do so, ie pixelmongaming and pokeballers
By lvl10cpu
SPG wrote:As an official statement, by default no legendary spawn excluding mew. Only SOME servers have legendaries spawn because they have the knowledge and resources to do so, ie pixelmongaming and pokeballers

Is there any particular reason why this is done? Unless there is something game-breaking or glitching involved, it seems like an unnecessary thing to do.
By yuvrajkhosa
#92104 Thankyou all for your help! But from my understanding legendaries aren't spawning. Eitrher they changed it or they added databse editing back in. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASRE let me know what is happening. THANKYOU SOOO MUCH! :D