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By PhelpsterUK
#91503 Pixelmon is effectively a very young and immature mod. It has a long way to go and bugs/glitches are to be expected. Until many of the main features are implemented and start being 'Polished off' it's almost impossible to make every update working perfectly. And if it is possible it would require a lot more time meaning you could be waiting months on end between each update which many people are too impatient to wait for.

By playing pixelmon you are essentially taking a risk that thing will go wrong, especially server admins, many of your player may complain about these bugs even if there is nothing you can do about it.
You have to remember that you aren't playing a 'finished' mod so please don't expect things to go smoothly for a long time. Just enjoy what you have now and look forward to all the awesome new features that you will be able to enjoy until the mod matures.
Also take the time out every once in a while just to thank the Devs for putting so much work and effort to bring you a FREE mod! It's their own time that they're using to bring this to you!

Happy Gaming! ^^