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By DarkExcalibur01
#91605 I know the admins will get mad about me posting this but the update only made it worse. I cant retrieve my pixelmon. I had no problems with 2.5.3.

By PhelpsterUK
DarkExcalibur01 wrote:I know the admins will get mad about me posting this but...

If you 'know' they'll get mad, don't post it in the first place...

This type of post, I'm afraid is useless to anyone. If you find a problem, first check that it's not already been posted in the bugs section. If it has then you are free to comment your thoughts on the problem (Please be constructive)
If it's not then it would be very helpful for you to report the bug by telling us what the problem is, how it can be replicated (If you know) and any fixes you may have found..

See, being constructive and helpful is easy :)

(Topic Locked)