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By axlewoof
#91791 So, while playing single player, I've noticed that there are multiple Pokemon that I want, but are only available by trading. I though it would be a good idea to find away to evolve Pokemon by trading while playing single player. Any thoughts?

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By Rados
#91822 You can always open it to LAN and invite a friend over hamachi or just local. Other then that, without another player's help its not possible to get those pokémon normally.
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By MrMasochism
#91841 To be honest i'm not overly interested in making it otherwise. Gamefreak did that purposefully and i get their purpose. In the future we may add some npc's that roam the world looking for trades but you'd be bound to what they wanted to trade
By axlewoof
MrMasochism wrote:To be honest i'm not overly interested in making it otherwise. Gamefreak did that purposefully and i get their purpose. In the future we may add some npc's that roam the world looking for trades but you'd be bound to what they wanted to trade

Yeah, I understand their purpose as well, but to those that can't make a LAN party and are trying to complete the pokedex, this makes it significantly harder to get those last two or three Pokemon you need.