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By DarkExcalibur01
#91862 This is meant to be constructive. Please don't think I'm complaining.

I was looking all over wikis for the moves that umbreon learns and I could not find anything. This gives me the idea that we could edit our wiki with a graph that shows the move, level it is learned, what the move does, and the class the move is in.

I don't want to overload y'all with work but if you could do this in your spare time it would definitely help people.

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By IceMan8030
#92013 DarkExcalibur01,

Our wiki team has been working really hard to update the wiki to have all the information you are looking for. Here is an example of what each pokemons page will look like once they have finished In the mean time you can always use bulbapedia to get the information you are looking for.


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By Animalol
#92322 Please understand that the Wiki is still a work in progress, so bear with us.