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By killpig
#93595 OK so me like most everyone here i love everything pokemon. But i also love another game that i believe the pixelmon creators should at least consider making. It is Yugioh yes i said it Yugioh it was one of my favorite games growing up. Even if you didn't like it i think you will love my idea. Ok so to get cards you have to mine an ore (no name ideas) and use it as coins to buy card packs from npc villages or if you get enough you can craft a a card pack of 5 cards.I want to see other stuff to not just what i wrote. I would love to see the this on a multiplayer server and were you can duel each other trade cards and fight npc's together. Thank for your time.


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By Trigore
#93596 Well I'm sorry but we kinda well don't take suggestions and this isn't really a place to put this...