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By LilacLily
#99974 Hi all! My name's LilacLily, but call me Lily. I used to be a part of this community, but left last year. I've followed the mod, just never posted in the forums or anything like that. A few of you roleplayers might remember me, but I don't really expect to be recognized, so:

I'm a 14-year-old girl from the US.
My timezone is GMT -5:00.
I'm a fairly good roleplayer, as you might have already guessed. You'll find me in the RP section most often.
I also enjoy looking at the unfinished models and giving feedback, since I can't make my own at the moment.
I love Pokémon. I got into it around 2011, and have been hooked onto it ever since. However, the first games I've owned were X and Y.
I love Minecraft. I've played it since Beta 1.3, and simply... Can't... Stop... xD

I definitely can't wait to once again be recognized as a member of the Pixelmon community. :) Great to be back!

By hotburn101
#100029 Ohhh I remember you
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By AnDwHaT5
#101739 Welcome back! I do infact remember you if that matters :P