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By Zero_Oaths
#105921 Thanks everyone who has commented and showed their appreciation towards this. :D

Smarticus14 wrote:From the sounds of that forum admin message it might be. I wouldn't be surprised if that is the machine Mr. M mentioned in his last post.

As of the current moment I cannot say whether this will be added to the pixelmon mod or not. Reason being I have not been contacted by anyone specifically requesting or asking about it other than side mods.

redrafter wrote:Looks pretty cool. Are you planning on adding any of the background from the stadium, or just keeping it simple?

At the current moment I plan on keeping it simple. Saying there is any future plans to add a background, a viewing crowd, or even as I originally intended miniature people and their pokemon dueling would only obligate me to do more. And being I don't know coding very well plans are to either donate this to the main mod, or one of the various side mods.