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By Vikerus
#106270 Can't agree more, this mod is godly.
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By redrafter
#106424 I feel like it's also the biggest mod to hit the game. Mods such as Aether II add a ton now, but they aren't likely to add as much in the end as Pixelmon.

That being said, hooray for Pixelmon!
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By tsdrummer
Forever Is Now wrote:Pixelmon has literally achieved what Nintendo can't seem to wrap their heads around that everybody has always wanted: A 3D multiplayer open-world Pokemon game.

You have hit it right on the nose. And also I have played with countless other mods like superheroes unlimited or smart moving and none are as good as pixelmon
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By Aichu
#110887 Pixelmon has good models and good servers. There's alot of pokemon fans that play minecraft , and someone just thought to make pokemon in minecraft .