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Vote for your favourite!

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By Burgy
#120637 [center]

As Easter is around the corner and with the forum revamp, I decided that I would try to get the community involved with something!
The top three most voted for users will get either a, Zapdos, Zekrom or Shiny Dialga in Pokemon X or Y!
(I don't play much anymore so giving them away is good for me ^.^)

Entrants may draw anything that has to do with Pokemon and somehow includes easter, two suggestions are:

  • A buneary! Make it as cute as possible Image
  • Easter related mash up of a Pokemon and the Easter Bunny!

Nothing with mature or explicit mature please and I hope to see your entries!

How this works | Show
When I see someone has made an entry to the contest, I add it to the "Entries Spoiler" on this post so that everyone can see, after I have 2 or more people who entered I will put a poll up on this post so that users may choose their favourite work of art!
Notice: I myself will not be entering.
Contest deadline is Easter day at 12:00pm EST
Click to see what time that is for you!

By karrybird
#120649 Can't pass up a pixelmon art contest >:3
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By Burgy
1Charak2 wrote:i might also give away a prize. a shiny riolu

I guess we also now have a fourth place prize, haha
If you PM me your friend code, I could add you and we can trade later.
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By shadowwhite
#120973 If you need more prizes Burgy, i got plenty of shinys and legendarys that i have no problem giving away for this cause, thanks! :P