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By SirKallz
#124786 Hey Guys,

So months ago, back on the old website I used to be pretty active on the forums. I made a topic about a youtube channel I was planning on making. My name on that website was CincyReds. This was back when there were only four starters you could choose from. I don't expect anyone to remember that topic or me for that case, but I finally went through with it. I'm pretty excited about it, so check it out if you like.
The main reason I'm posting this is to ask for tips from anyone and to offer (hopefully) entertaining videos. I'd love to chat with you guys about it. I don't think I'm allowed to post links, if I remember correctly, so look up SirKallz on youtube. I have a grand total of 3 subscribers at the moment! :lol:

Love the new website by the way!

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By Animalol
#124813 Of course you're allowed to post links. =P But congratulations. About 2 months ago I started up mine, as I had wanted to make one for quite a while.

It's not all a walk in the park though. Recording can be tedious, such as when you screw up, and editing is just a pain in the butt and can take many hours.

Good luck!
By SirKallz
#124838 In that case, ... DiKe9W3LQw :) I've already gotten the basics of editing down. I will say this - recording solo is exponentially harder than recording with a person. I luckily have someone for my pixelmon series which I'm excited about. Good luck to you too! Patience is key I guess