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By Quakthorn2
#135695 When you go looking for a Pixelmon Server on google, what words you do usually use for your search?

I am doing a little research and tallying up what the top 200 keyword searches are

Please post the words below in the comments.

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By nickshaul97
#135804 Just go to and look at pixelmon servers in types. This will show you the top rated servers.
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By bobbanana09
#135810 If you're thinking of buying google advertising for your server, I wouldn't recommend it. Why? Because there are so many websites that have servers on them so people go to websites to get a server, not really google anymore.
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By Vctr
#135817 you can get the keyboards, spend money in google ads and things like that, but the thing that really attracts players is having a good server.
if you really need players because your server is not getting enough players maybe is because is not good enough?
By pelagius_septim
#135822 I normally look up:
Pixelmon Server List
So I can get a list then pick from there what suits my individual needs, and I test about three before actually settling.
But if you wanna do google advertising then I highly suggest you dont, cause I always look at google ads and think spam.
By Vikerus
Vctr » 21 Aug 2014 10:03 wrote:you can get the keyboards, spend money in google ads and things like that, but the thing that really attracts players is having a good server.
if you really need players because your server is not getting enough players maybe is because is not good enough?

This. Plus google has a keywords trend chart. Fishing in the community on this forum seems kinda messed up and lazy.