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By karrybird
#136036 Helioptile <3
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By GhostXavier
#136198 Here comes the fun story with this one.

Blastoise. Hands down Blastoise.

Because when I was young and got Pokemon Red, I was probably a little 'special'. I didn't see the anime yet and had no idea you could catch other Pokemon, even after the Old guy showed you how to catch them... So a decent amount of time later, my level 100 Blastoise finally managed to plow through the Elite 4 and Champion... In his honor, every Blastoise I own after has been named "Juggernaut", and I will occasionally do a juggernaut run in his honor, where i'm not allowed to capture/breed any other Pokemon and can only level the starter. I even managed to complete a Juggernaut Nuzlocke once! (Can't capture/breed anything, if it faints you lose)
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By TheGoldenSnake
#137987 Although I love several Pokemon, I'm more of a Dragon-Type person! I first liked Dragon-types because of Black and White. SO has some people may have guessed my favorite Pokemon is................ Axew!