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By HanSolo0001
#137101 So I wasn't sure where to really post this idea/feature, so I posted it in the off topic area. But I was hoping that maybe a staff member or something could make an IOS recipe and info guide for Pixelmon. The app would have recipes, pokemon locations maybe, what items are used for and how (old rod, itemfinder, etc), legendaries guide, and etc. I'm new to Pixelmon, and would prefer to refer to my IPod, instead of ALT tabbing out of the game to look something up. Again, this is just my friendly idea suggestion. Thank you all for your time and thoughts. :D

By TheGameAce
#137104 Sort of pointless. I forget what mod gives you the crafting recipes, Craftguide I think, is actually compatible with pixelmon, so right there that is out of the way. Pokemon locations can be found either by exploring, or check the wiki. That is what the wiki is there for. They tell you what items are used for and how to obtain the legendaries on the wiki as well.
So... in reality, just pull up the pixelmon wiki on your Ipod. And if you have done normal Pokemon before, it is relatively the same in most aspects.
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By MoeBoy76
#137128 or the 1.7.10 alternative to craftguide is to use NEI

but the wiki is the best place since they are all there in one place