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By Parth2000
#138854 I am starting a pixelmon mod gameplay series on my YouTube channel with 1000 subs
I just got back to my channel after a long time and realised pixelmon was the best mod to do a series with
But I am having great lag issues with the mod
I have a Mac book pro with 8 gigs of ram
I have turned down all my minecraft settings to stop the lag but it just won't stop
I use my webcam, screen recording softwares at the same time as well as minecraft and it produces minimal lag but pixelmon hypes the lag up a 10 times
If anyone knows how to decrease this lag please comment down below

Also this is the link to my youtube channel I hope you check it out and like some vids im back on it now after a long time and really need the support :-D

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By SnowBlitzz
#138857 Macs don't really do well for games. They're more like work computers. Since you have already turned off all minecraft settings to the minimum, I don't think there's anything else to do. But you can still try installing optifine and lower more settings and see how that goes for you. While recording, don't open too much applications to maximize fps.