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By SkrillexAkaCraft
#139710 so i need some help with importing worlds trough multiverse core

but everytime i type /mv import {map}

it gives a error that it doesnt exist but the world folder is just next to the normal start world (called world in the server properties)

and the next question is i'm looking for the plugin where you need a certain item before u can teleport and so on and so on if you are able to help :)

I'm currently only using hamachi since i'm not home so i'm using a hotspot

Hamachi server id:


just join if you are intrested in helping be noticed you need mods:

Ev from pixelmon the latest build of pixelmon custom npc's

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By Burgy
Tutorial | Show
•Importing Your existing worlds

Presuming you have op on your server, when you log in the first time after installing Multiverse-Core, you will see the following notification:
New Server

This tells you that even though you may have a bunch of world folders already created, you'll have to tell Multiverse-Core about them. The reason for this is that we don't know if your main world is a normal world or a floating skyland! Doing this is very simple in Multiverse-Core. Type:
Code: Select all/mv import WORLD ENV

Now, you'll have to replace WORLD with your folder name and ENV with the environment type. There are 3 currently available: normal, nether and end. If you forget these you can alway use /mv env. It will always list all of these choices.
So, most servers will have a world named world. I do for this example. Here is what I typed:
Importing a world

You should then see the following result:
Import Complete!

Sweet! Now just repeat the process for all of your worlds! Don't like the folder name you have? Don't rename the folder simply set a Multiverse World Alias instead!

Command Info | Show
/mv import {NAME} {ENV} [GENERATOR[:ID]]

/mv import my_world NORMAL
/mv import my_hell NETHER
/mv import my_cloud_world SKYLANDS
/mv import "My World with spaces in the name" NORMAL***
/mv import moon NORMAL -g BukkitFullOfMoon

/mv import ...
/mvi ...
/mvimport ...


The import command is almost identical to the create command apart from the fact that it is used to import a world folder that already exists. Since the world already exists, you cannot apply a new seed to it, however currently you MUST provide the correct environment AND Generator for the imported world. If you do not, bad things will happen to your world. We are working to remove these requirements. For this command you do NOT need the -g when specifying a generator and in fact you will receive an error message if you provide the -g.

All taken from the Multiverse Wiki
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By Burgy
#139720 Can you use the world normally? I.E. setting it as the default world for a bit in the
Code: Select alllevel-name="Leonardo"
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By Burgy
#139729 What if you are to use it as the default and then /mv import your other world?
By SkrillexAkaCraft
#139730 the problem is i dont want other pokes spawning inside the word i want to use thats why i use world as default and leo as play world i used to play like that in da old days
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By Burgy
#139738 You can control spawning of Pixelmon in either world regardless of which is the default.