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By Roxxai337
#142625 I have an amazing PC.. But yet when i play pixelmon my game only gets 30FPS!! Im so confused and when i play normal MC my Fps goes up to like 220 or something!! Please help me im getting very confused on this

By epicsquare
#142630 Are you playing with Shaders? It sounds like that's just the max your PC can do. Pixelmon spawns a lot of extra stuff (entities especially) so its much more intensive than regular mc. In hind sight I'm pretty sure VSync caps at 60fps anyways (at least on high end cards). If you are playing with shaders (or OptiFine), check those settings too.
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By Burgy
#142640 What are your computer's specs?
By Masochrist
#142647 I had this problem too. Make sure you're running 64-bit Java and increase the RAM you've allocated to Minecraft. Pixelmon seems to eat into RAM usage quite a bit, and it can hinder performance pretty significantly if you don't give it enough. I think it's the models that does so, so if you haven't already changing to low-res models might help a bit too.
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By Isi
#142668 If you're in single player, lower your spawn settings, that saves RAM. In that same config you can adjust your video jazz.

You can also set your gc to concurrent. Useful for single player multiplayer, and running servers.