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By FrancoSanchez
#151261 Hello! My name is Frank, and I've been heavily considering making a server, which will hopefully become available in the near future. I had a server previously, but felt overwhelmed from the out-set, mostly due to a lack of competent help. That being said, I'm gonna throw this here and see how much interest it generates. I'll be looking for the following head staff positions.

Gym Administrator: You will be responsible for defining the Elite Four, rewards, and staffing for the Gym Leader positions.

Head of Staff: Responsible for the hiring, training, and management of Mods/Administrators.

Head of Building:: Responsible for hiring Builders, and coordinating server builds.

Head of Advertisement: Will be responsible for advertising the server, and generating interest in the server.

I'm very serious about making a strong, and dedicated server. I've got quite a few ideas already going, and I'm looking forward to potentially working with you. If you're interested, feel free to message me privately, or leave a comment here. Let's make a strong and thriving server!~

- Frank

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By Jephon
#153322 Interesting. I cannot believe I missed you posting this Franco! (BTW, miss ya on Morningsun!).

I REALLY like your organization.. I'm wondering if I could borrow it for our server.. With a few modifications.
By mcstreet
#153329 Me me me

I really want to be head of staff
I know a lot about pixelmon and really want to be staff in a pixelmon server
I have made a few hamachi servers with my friends
And I have been mod on a couple of servers
And owner on owns with just my friends
I also love helping people
And especially bossing them around jks
Ign mcstreet