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By ChaosOneX
#151881 So, I'm working with a friend on a server that's meant to be 1 part traditional pokemon game, 1 part mmo-esque, and 1 part pokemon roleplay. I need people to place and build cities, decide the lore for those cities, and people capable of designing gyms and even fill in as leaders.

The map is pretty cool, with a lot of variety to it. We have the first 3 locations made, and I am currently making the second gym.

I can tell you more via skype or here, if you would like.

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By CrazyQuilman157
#151893 I'm supposedly good for a story.
I'll help as best I can. PM me your Skype, if you want my involvement, because people can't seem to find me.
By ChaosOneX
#152757 I've been amazed at the amount of feedback from all the people involved. I'm making the server a little less of an arcane mystery.

here is a link to the forum detailing what is going on, what will be going on, and what you can do to help.