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By IaeyanElyuex
#156114 How does Ninetales even stand? It looks like it would be very backheavy. The poor thing would fall backward constantly. So much of its mass is in its tails.

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By dyinghere
#156120 Those tails are 85% fluff! Imagine them like thin snakes instead, covered in fur. That's why it wouldn't weigh much.
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By HelenTheHero
#156128 I remember hearing somewhere though that the weight of Zoroark's hair would break its neck.
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By JamieS1211
#156130 well when you want to do something like that you would have to find the mass of the hair then calculate the moment around the neck and check that against the tensile strength of bones for skeletons at that size. A calculation like that would probably show that Zoroark's hair is fine.

After-all animals go though evolution to survive so an animal that breaks its neck because of its hair would probably not get far.
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By MrMasochism
#156136 Surprised you guys are trying to argue for the anatomical correctness of pokemon...
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MrMasochism wrote:Surprised you guys are trying to argue for the anatomical correctness of pokemon...

should say that to the animators who try way too hard to make "realistic" animations for creatures that arent even made, or designed to do that
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By dyinghere
MrMasochism wrote:Surprised you guys are trying to argue for the anatomical correctness of pokemon...

You should see how heated I get when trying to apply logic to the anatomy of centaurs and mermaids.
I'm a NERD.