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How many of you enjoy vanilla Minecraft?

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By Pikapuu
#156251 Gonna say BEFOREHAND that this is no means a hate thread, Minecraft is a good game. But to me, its boring without mods, pixelmon in particular. Just nice being able to interact with people while building up my pokemon. Honestly, I don't think I've played it without Pixelmon in around 1 year. I probably would have uninstalled, but that's my opinion. I wanna see how many of you guys enjoy Minecraft, along with Pixelmon, and how many just enjoy Pixelmon. When I am asked about it on servers, I get a surprising amount of "same" replies from people.

Also, this goes without saying, but I really don't want anyone to fight here. =_=

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By HelenTheHero
#156290 I enjoy Minecraft without mods though, but when I DO play without, it pretty much is. I rarely do survival and now I spend my time on Mineplex mostly. The game definitely is better with mods though, but this is Pokemon in Minecraft, not the other way around. Your still going to have to mine, build a house, I've heard of people defeating the ender dragon while on their Pixelmon mounts even.

Oh yeah, vanilla does get boring without friends though. There is no way I would be able to do survival on my own because I would get so bored. Nah, i'm more of a server person who does minigames mostly but enjoys doing survival with a couple friends sometimes.

Nothing like locking your brother up in a cage when he is naughty, or playing Draw my Thing with a bunch of friends on Mineplex.
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By Pikapuu
#156321 ....Do you like mudkips..?
Okay no sorry lets not go there.
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By HelenTheHero
#156348 Nah, I have the kit "Selector" and Mudkip was one of three choices. I know some of my friends play Pokemon there, so I just went with it lol.
By IaeyanElyuex
#158014 Pixelmon made Minecraft new to me again. I play the Minecraft as well as the Pixelmon. Pokémon and Minecraft are my two favorite games. It's like the variety pack of taco shells. "Why don't we have both?". By the way, if you go into a cave and find that all the minerals have been mined (even the coal), you know I've been there. I just can't leave minerals alone.

Also, if Re-Logic made an official Terraria mod for Minecraft, I'd only leave my computer to eat, drink, sleep and go to the bathroom, but that's neither here nor there.
By EconBrony
#159339 Never played vanilla before, don't think I could either. Direwolf20 is what introduced me to the world of Minecraft. From there I moved to Monumental for a bit. Then shortly after I released my first mod pack Chrome Prophecies.

Chrome Prophecies got such a warm reception that it encouraged me to make more mod packs. Thus Dark Moon (adventure based mod pack) and PokeTech (mod pack based around Tech and Pixelmon) were released some months later. All have done well :D