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By Trigore
#156913 Since pixelmon people already knows I'm dumb I decided to ask it here so if I look stupid it not bad. So I was porting it to 1.8(still buggy as hell but bukkit plugins <3) But I realized that everyone would notice that I had bukkit plugins when no one else had. Would there be grounds for me to get in legal trouble or something?

By Vpixels
#156914 This is actually a good question. In theory so long as you don't run anything that makes any money at all for the server I don't see why anyone could Cease and Desist you.

Side note: I would totally want to get ahold of a stable-ish build from you.
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By MrMasochism
#156916 It definitely isn't legal and would be dmca'd at the earliest opportunity by the guy who did the same to bukkit originally
By Vpixels
#156919 Really wish that freaking DMCA was over with by now. That alone nuked a huge portion of the Minecraft community and makes it so hard for anyone to even want to go on 1.8 without knowing people to custom make mods for their server to survive.
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By Trigore
MrMasochism wrote:It definitely isn't legal and would be dmca'd at the earliest opportunity by the guy who did the same to bukkit originally

Oh well :(. Just gotta to wait for sponge I suppose.
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By MoeBoy76
#156964 You will find that the SpongeAPI gives you a lot more freedom than bukkit did, plus everyone in the Sponge team are nice and helpful (blood has to be having a good day :P) as opposed to the closed-minded, strict bukkit team (who were never nice when asked about bukkit <-> forge)
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By MoeBoy76
#156978 Sponge (the forge mod) is available as a development download at this time as the SpongeAPI doesn't have everything implemented yet, but if all you really want is permissions then it is fine, WE and WG have forge versions so that lets you protect stuff and allows easier building
By Scrotty
MoeBoy76 wrote:WE and WG have forge versions

WG? World Guard? Where? Link? I only found LD(Land Defender) for Forge..