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By Shadowumbreon
#161977 Sadly do I notice the ammount of hackers rising more and more, not even in Minecraft... and they're able to bypass the so called "Anti-Hack" protection. *sighs* What happened to the honorful way of playing a game LEGITLY, just with much endurance, pain and stress to beat the section/level etc.? I feel very very ashamed on the generation of hacking 'gamers'...

By Vikerus
#164372 Maybe cause the majority of gamers don't really build strong communities which can keep those "hackers" out. Victims of being too disconnected really, with enough moderation any server can be free from cheaters. Voteban always helps too.
By prodkid
Vikerus wrote:Maybe cause the majority of gamers don't really build strong communities which can keep those "hackers" out. Victims of being too disconnected really, with enough moderation any server can be free from cheaters. Voteban always helps too.

Hackers? Can you explain what exactly are they doing in pixlemon/minecraft?