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By Ganman3
#162517 There are plenty of places, but learning Java is not an easy task, and will take months or years. I use They have a wonderful Java tutorial there, but it's taken me awhile to get where I am.
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By urbymine
#162550 as a rookie myself, i could say that the best way to learn it is via college since you also learn designing your projects prior to coding and receive the necessary math if you're committed to becoming a full time programmer.
current tools i use is the netbeans program as a workplace to practice basic programs, the book i use is "deitel deitel how to java programm 10th edition" which is a really solid book.
though, don't take my advice to heart, i'm a rookie myself and have not seen that many of the different options out there.
By Vikerus
#162728 Start with javascript and a simple website. If you are good with one language chances are learning others will be easy as well. Unless we are talking lisp... I learned what I know now from opening up programs and ripping source code. Play with it until you understand the syntax rules and try to learn something about neat code structure. Those two skills will help with learning deep coding logic later on.

To learn you have to practice. Simple as that. You don't need college, just the mind to sit down and learn from any source that is available at the time ;) Open source programs are a good start. Lots of them on github to look at and then modify. If you are persistent you can learn enough to amuse yourself into learning more within a couple weeks.
By JeanMarc1
#162732 If you've got an Android phone, there's an app called "Learn Java" that seems to cover the basics pretty well.
By Ganman3
#162742 It seems like a lot of people are arguing for learning other programming languages before Java and learning math. I think that depends on your learning style.

Programming will certainly require critical thinking, and math can help you with that, but there are many other ways to learn that critical thinking. Beyond that, math is only inherently in programming when algorithms come into play, which you'll absolutely need to understand if you want to be an actual programmer. Any other way that math is directly required for programming is debatable.

As for learning other programming languages before Java, I think it depends again on you. I know I don't want to have to learn another language first if I know that I want to leap right into Java, and Java is already high-level, even if it has a massive library. I know that personally, if somebody tells me that I have to learn x and y before I can learn z, I typically try to learn way too much of x and y, because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I usually get discouraged because it's not what I want to do.

If you want to be a full-time programmer, and if you're serious about programming languages in general, then I'd say you should absolutely learn the math, and maybe try other languages as well. If you just want to learn Java, and you think you already have the critical thinking skills, then I'd suggest jumping in, taking some lessons.

But too many people think there's just one way to learn something. To learn to draw, first you need to repeatedly draw shapes; to learn music, first you need to practice scales; etc. The reality is that we're only accounting for one approach, and there are hundreds of ways to go about it. You might only learn what really works for you through trial and error- by trying something, giving up, trying something different instead, and repeating- unless you happen to be lucky enough to immediately find a teacher who fits your style. My point is that as somebody who's been trying to learn Java for years, and really only found a style that fits me several months ago, I would encourage you not to give up, and not to feel bad when this stuff isn't sinking in.