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By MattMasters2
#171145 Hello there everyone my name is Matt and im new to the forums and next week (when I fix it) I will be starting a Youtube series here! Allow me to tell you a little about myself. I am 19 (yes seriously) years old and I live in NY. When I was about 8 years old I actually participated and won a national tournament in pokemon (if you can believe that!). Since then I havent actually played the newer games (x/y) I retired about 5-6 years ago so im a little rusty...but im sure it wont take too long for me to remember what is what :-) . Currently im trying to install the actual pixelmon mod all things Mac...its a pain in the neck sometimes. So hopefully the 1.7.10 forge actually works this time and I can connect to the server and the pack actually installs the right way this time :/ . Thanks for reading see you guys next week bright and early!

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By JamieS1211
MoeBoy76 wrote:one seven when?
By MattMasters2
#171148 Whenever I can get either the techic or I am able to connect to the server normally on not sure why I cant connect on that specific version, I can connect fine on 1.8 and above I just dont get a ping off the server at all