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By HalestormXV
#172259 Hello there. I am HalestormXV. Recently I came across the Pixelmon mod and website. I must say the mod is very well done and the website is very fluid as well. Big prop to the team for creating it.

I must also say that the Beta launcher is quite well done too from a fellow developer standpoint. Job well done.

A little about myself. I am HalestormXV, I have had a passion for gaming for quite some time, however the quickly became a passion for development. As it stands now I am going to be receiving a degree in law soon. I own a software development company Nerd Storm Production and overall love to meet new communities and expand my knowledge. So that it for me.

By HalestormXV
#172267 Oh, no no no lol. I quite literally happened to stumble on here ironically while checking out the Pokemon Sun and Moon announcements from this past Saturday lol. And I happen to like the layout of this communtiy so I joined it. :-)