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By NumberedCrowd
#210110 Hey i've been in the pixelmon discord for a very long time but some time ago my discord got hacked my a nitro scammer and you guys banned me what i understand i have my account back now and would like to join the discord again if thats possible sorry for the inconvenience. my discord user is Azrael#0342

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By MrConQuiQui
#215720 bro i got banned for not even being hacked they just up n banned me for no reason their admins dont care and they're abusive of their power
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By LordSamosa
#215722 There should be a reason attached to your ban (if there is not, likely you did something instantly ban worth).
However, this is not the place to appeal or discuss bans. You're free to make a ticket on our Support Tracker regarding Discord appeals.
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By MrConQuiQui
#215724 idk what the reason is bc i cant view why i was banned in the discord but i literally never really even spoke in the discord unless i needed help which i did a few days ago which was when i realized im banned