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#213347 Hello hello.
The last time I actually posted on this forum was over seven years ago now, so it's a bit strange of me to come back, but there is good reason for this. Well, relatively.

To put it bluntly, this forum account is an embarrassment to me, and has been for the past like, four years. There's so much I could go into onto why, so I'll save the long winded rant.

To be blunt, I want this account deleted, banned, whatever wipes this account off the map. I don't know how to do it myself, so if it's possible to do myself, please tell me how. Otherwise, yeah. If there's any moderators or admins looking around, that's the gist of it.

I spent like, half an hour going through my posts one by one and editing them to read as [] due to an inability to delete posts, but due to the sheer amount of posts I've made and due to the fact that a majority of them are in locked categories that can't be edited, I realised that it's kind of a futile effort on my part. I figured it might be easier to just, throw my request out there and see if it's possible.

tl;dr I want this account gone and I don't particularly care how it's done.