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By Rzxa
#51813 Just wanna know cause I have a hard math homework that's about ******** ********
So tell me whats your hardest homework you had
And if your one of those people who plays The pc all night and then you didn't do your homework then don't post here

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#51916 math is hard? crazies
anyways, anything that was chemistry that didnt involve math, aka only about 10% of it
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By KuryoZT
#51937 Up until the end of 12th grade, I never really worked, so, everything since then!
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By Roark196
#52018 Reading entire chapters and taking your own notes while copying vocabulary at home. "Homestudies", as they call it, is doing all assortments of homework in one day at home. This is annoying if you have plans, since it can take hours.
By Lettucecow
#52022 God, even though i have a 163 IQ I can't do math for my life. Anything that involves math is hard for me except the basics.
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By Dark Prinplup
#52031 I don't know my IQ. But math for sure. I have a A+ in science.
By Lettucecow
#52033 Me too! Science is the best!
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Lettucecow wrote:God, even though i have a 163 IQ I can't do math for my life. Anything that involves math is hard for me except the basics.

I highly doubt your IQ is 163 lol
By Lettucecow
#52044 Thats what you think!